Saturday Morning Pages

It feels good to feel good. I am grateful I’ve had good rest, my body feels at ease…my mind is clear…I am connected to my spirit…I am open to being.

The weather is perfect. Trees are blooming… honeybees are on the blossoms…this, too, shall pass, but I am savoring it all, being with it.

Savoring. Grateful.

I have a to-do list, but this morning savoring is at the top.

The birds, the sun, the breeze, abundance, stillness. Life living itself.

I notice an urge to move too quickly to the next thing. I let it pass. I do not have to act on it. Let it be. I notice, nod, “Yes, I see you.” No need to judge it or give it more attention.

I bring my focus and awareness to my breath, my senses. Being here.

There is nothing more important than this right now.




You Are Divine