Know the Peace Within You

We all have stress and tension, demands on our time, frustrations, disappointments, loss, worry. What helps me is knowing there is a place in me that is undisturbed, still as a calm lake, unmoved by the ever-changing world. This inner resource is timeless, powerful, unconditional, loving, graceful, and connected to All That Is.

How I access this inner presence is to keep turning my attention toward it. I start in the morning - before my mind starts collecting things to be concerned about. By tuning into this centered place, I believe it is there, I remember it is there, and it keeps my awareness dialed to the channel of my being, my Higher Self, the one God made. It gives me a safe harbor for my day - one with a lighthouse to guide me gently home.

I cannot count how many times a day I need to redirect my attention toward this sanctuary. It is always there, but I seemed wired to leave it regularly, like a sheep diverting from the path - again and again - nibbling on the grass and looking down without realizing it is losing its way again. I lose my connection so easily, so I have to practice.

I was on a video conference session when an alert popped up on my screen: “Your connection is unstable.” I laughed to myself and wished I had one of these warnings for my mind. Yet, it is progress for me to recognize when the tension is rising and I’m trying to run on my own mental steam. Overdoing, overthinking, not coming from my sense of being. I know the peace and power is there. It is real. It is the best version of me. If I keep returning to that holy place inside, I feel wide awake and wear the the world as a loose garment. I do my best without being so attached to the outcome. I give whatever I can and let it be. It is always enough. When I come from a center of calm, I can interact with others from a grounded, peaceful place, and my expectations stay out of the way since there is no place for blame or credit. I become part of the solution instead of part of the problem. It is all more meaningful. My mind chatter settles, and I don’t feel the compulsion to assign meaning to everything with incessant mental commentary. Let it be what it is.

Even if it is a fifteen minute reprieve, it is a relief and an improvement. The person or situation in front of me is better served. I get disturbed or distracted again and then gently bring my focus back in with love. Right here. Right now. All my needs are met. All is well. It is enough.

Peace be with you,



“When I become an expert, I’ll begin.”


Keep Your Head Where Your Feet Are